Jewelry Appraisals

Offering Superior Jewelry Appraisal Services

Appraisals are written for one of three general purposes: Insurance replacement value, estate value, or gemstone ID and authentication. All appraisals are researched by a graduate gemologist and certified appraiser.


Appraisal services are offered by appointment on Tuesdays. You can drop off your jewelry at any time before or if you wish to stay with your piece(s) expect a total waiting time of 20-30 min per piece to take measurements and pictures. Your written appraisal will be ready for you latest by the following week. For your convenience, a hard copy and/or PDF-file of the appraisal will be provided.
Loupe — Custom Jewelry Design in


Our fee is $150.00 per item. The appraisal includes a description of the item, style, weight, quality, measurements of the stones and photographs. If necessary, with larger diamonds (>1ct) a plotting diagram will be done at an extra fee of $50.00. 

Metal, diamond and gemstone prices can fluctuate dramatically. We recommend getting your jewelry appraised every two to three years. Either to update your insurance policy, so you don’t get burned in case of a loss, or just to get measurement of your investment.
Please call Lindell Jewelers at 615-373-7922 or email us to inquire about our jewelry appraisal services.
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